• warehousing
  • distribution
  • fulfillment
  • 3PL
  • returns 
  • receiving 
  • put-away 
  • storage 
  • sortation 
  • picking 
  • pack-out 
  • labeling 
  • shipping 

Oneiro Technologies has redefined automation in the warehouse industry by following a simple goal—touch the product fewer times from receiving through shipping.

about Oneiro Technologies

At Oneiro Technologies, our core philosophy is rooted in the belief that the combination of ingenuity and engineering can yield extraordinary results. We recognize that technology and imagination are not mutually exclusive but when brought together, can create a synergy that transcends traditional boundaries. True innovation emerges from the intersection of these two seemingly different worlds.  We pride ourselves on being the fusion of creativity and technology.


Following our purpose we achieved something unprecedented

return on investment

Typical ROI of 18 – 36 months

Significantly lower operating expenses than traditional operations and lower capital expense than other automated systems.

Lead Time

Deployment in as few as 16 weeks

Mobile sorting and picking robots are quick to deploy and integrate with any WMS.


Reduced footprint by as much as 75% 

The All-In-One System combines sortation, picking and storage within the same vertical space.


Our mix of technology and ingenuity provides unmatched flexibility and scalability. We provide warehouse operations the ability to function their way by accommodating a wide range of products both large and small, on pallets or floor loaded. With our system, warehouses easily adapt and scale as capacity or products change.


Receive and ship virtually any type of product whether floor stacked or on pallets. One telescoping conveyer can serve multiple doors and even clear the way for fork lift use.

Caljan Conveyor


Nearly limitless receiving and sorting points allow product to be loaded and unloaded in various ways. Sortation robots interface with conveyor, personnel, or other robots.


Inbound product can be put away as pallets, cases, totes, or individual decanted units.

After put away, the mobile shelf or pallet is automatically transported to high density storage.

Customer returns processing is simplified by incorporating into the process.


Filling orders is easy. Product is automatically retrieved from inventory then delivered to personnel for order fulfillment.

Picking stations double as put away stations further optimizing labor during both peak and non-peak times.

We eliminated the typical replenishment process. This is because product was put away at inbound in the format necessary for order fulfillment.


Completed multi-unit orders are delivered to pack stations for personnel to pack-out. Packing materials necessary for pack-out are also automatically delivered to pack stations. Completed orders are placed directly onto sorting robots for transportation to shipping.


To maximize floor space we went vertical above the picking system. We combined each of the functions to provide an unmatched dense, flexible system.

Let's transform your business